“Values are not just words, values are what we live by. They're about the causes that we believe in and the people we fight for.” John Kerry
The teaching of values is a process for helping students develop the knowledge, understandings and skills that support learning, positive behaviour, and constructive social relationships. Our values program teaches students to recognise, regulate, and express the social and emotional aspects of their lives so they can operate successfully in the world and manage life tasks. The four core values at kings Park are responsibility, getting along, tolerance and learning.
Look at the pictures below to see how values are taught at our school.
Grade 2 cooperative activity as part of their intergrated inquiry unit 'All for one and one for all.'
Grade 6 values incursion about leadership.
Juniors learning how to be responsible for their lockers and ready for learning.
Peer support involves grades 3 and 4 students being led by grades 5 and 6 students. The focus of the session is on values and building trusint relationships.