Teacher: Joanne Bonfa and Sandra Bahamondes
Visual Arts Program
The Visuals Arts program focuses on building on and expanding knowledge and skills through the exploration of art elements. These elements are line, shape, colour, value, texture, space and form.
The Visual Arts program stimulates interest in, and gives children practical first-hand experience, with a wide variety of tools, techniques and art materials in the areas of painting, drawing, printing, threads and textiles, modelling and construction. Each art experience challenges students to progressively develop and extend their present level of artistic knowledge and skills.
Opportunities are provided for students to appreciate different styles of art. They are encouraged to share their art ideas and work with others. The program also includes the study of art in history and its relevance and significance to many world cultures so students learn to value artworks in their own culture and the culture of others.
All students have one 60 minute Visual Arts session in the art room per week.
The artwork created by the students is regularly displayed around the school. During the year the students will keep their artwork in folios at school. These come home at the end of the year.
The art room always welcomes donations of clean, recycled objects that can be used to create amazing art.
Week 4 - Visual Arts Suggested Remote Activities
Here are a range of at home suggested activities that you may wish to participate in during the next three days.
PLEASE NOTE: These are not a requirement and do not need to be handed into school.
What to do: Look into a mirror and draw a self-portrait of yourself! If you have coloured pencils or textas, colour it in as well!
What to do: Ask someone to draw a scribble on a piece of blank paper. Now you have to finish the scribble by turning it into a picture of something. Take turns with your family members.
Choose an item in your house to draw (for example a vase with flowers). Begin drawing the item but you aren’t allowed to look at your paper, only the object until you are finished!
Grades P-4: Make a simple colour wheel. Then find matching colour objects you can glue onto your colour wheel to decorate.
Grades 5-6 Interactive colour theory – Use the website https://www.canva.com/colors/color-wheel/ to explore different colour combinations. Then click ‘create graphic’. Use the website to create a pop-art inspired Harmony Day poster.