

Staff are committed to providing every student the support and opportunities to improve their learning outcomes. Students' are engaged with fun warm up games, then challenged with plenty of hands on activities and open ended problems. Activities are related to students real life experiences in order to give meaning to the content they are learning.



The Mathematics curriculum aims to ensure that students:

  • develop useful mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life, work and as active and critical citizens in a technological world
  • see connections and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes to pose and solve problems in mathematics and in other disciplines and contexts
  • acquire specialist knowledge and skills in mathematics that provide for further study in the discipline
  • appreciate mathematics as a discipline – its history, ideas, problems and applications, aesthetics and philosophy

Creating Mathematical Thinkers

  • Students are engaged in meaningful activities aimed at linking mathematics with real-life problems;
  • Students solve problems by applying and building on existing skills and knowledge;
  • Students are encouraged to verbalise and explain their strategies;
  • They share their work with their peers and evaluate their successes and challenges.



Teachers in teams plan the focus of each session carefully to meet the needs of their students.  In doing so, they consider how students will develop the following strategies:

  • Applying known skills and understandings
  • Making sense of mathematical ideas
  • Connecting mathematical ideas to create a generalisation
  • Transferring a generalisation to a new mathematical idea to develop more complex skills and deepen understandings.


At Kings Park PS we encourage and promote that:


  • Maths is for everyone!
  • Maths is about learning not performing!
  • Questions and Discussions deepen your mathematical understanding!
  • Depth is more important than speed!
  • Mistakes and challenges are the best for your brain!
  • Don't give up when you are in the Learning Pit and remember to have a growth mindset!