In Year 5 we all agree to do our best work at all times. Students agree to respect their friends , teachers, families and themselves. They understand that having a positive attitude towards their learning will help them achieve great results.“Change your words, change your mindset.”Grade 5 CurriculumLITERACYStudents will complete a variety of activities relating to the following areas:
Students will be involved whole class, independent and small group activities to further their learning in these areas.
NUMERACYStudents will be working in the following areas:
Students will be involved whole class, independent and small group activities using a vast range of materials to aide in their learning of mathematics.INQUIRYThe following is an outline of the Grade 5 Inquiry program for 2022:The units are:
The units selected are planned to strengthen student awareness of real life events and experiences. The program enables students to become independent and responsible learns while developing their thinking skills. We aim to encourage students to make a difference for themselves others and the community through the Inquiry model of learning.Excursions / IncursionsExcursions and incursions will be organised in relation to our Inquiry Units. Notes will be sent home when appropriate. All students are encouraged to attend.Term 1
Coach Approach
Term 2
History Box IncursionTerm 3Victorian Space and Science Education CentreVALUESGrade 5 students are engaged in a range of activities and programs that support the development and understanding of values such as working alongside their junior grade buddies, peer support and participating in cyber safety activities. Grade 5 classes also have a junior buddy grade. They work with younger students to complete fun activities related to literacy and values. During this time Grade 5 students are required to support and lead the younger students.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYKings Park Primary School is committed to providing its students with a quality education that prepares them for their life in the 21st Century. In light of this, students at KPPS will be using a variety of different technology tools in and out of the classroom. These include Smartboards and tablets which are provided to year 5 students, with an opportunity to co-own a tablet. These portable tablets will be used as part of the student’s classroom learning for not only for specific IT skills but to enhance opportunities for learning in all areas of the curriculum.Google ClassroomStudents will have the opportunity to collaboratively communicate with their teacher and peers using a safe, intuitive and friendly online Google Classroom program which is an environment designed to engage and educate the next generation of learners. Students will be able to showcase select pieces of their work on Google Classroom, interact with one another (at school and at home) and contribute to class tasks and online activities. Students are able to access Google Classroom at home and are encouraged to share their learning with their families.Cyber SafetyKeeping students safe online is extremely important to KPPS. Students will participate in an ongoing web safety program where aspects of web safety will be covered. This program aims to give children, and their parents and carers, sound advice on how best to manage online risks, so their internet experiences are safe and positive.
Some topics we will investigate include:
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INTERSCHOOL SPORTSAs part of the physical education program, student have the opportunity to participate in Interschool sport. This takes place on a Friday during term 1 and 2, where both winter and summer sports are played. This program promotes Kings Park’s core values and good sportsmanship.