LITERACY PROGRAMIn Grade 2, students extend their knowledge of how language is used in a range of written and spoken texts. With teacher support students develop a greater awareness of different text types – how they are constructed and the purpose for them. READINGStudents work towards independence in reading fiction and non-fiction texts about familiar ideas and information with comprehension being a main focus. Students are explicitly taught useful reading strategies such as: inferring, clarifying, questioning and making connections. They aim to read with fluency and expression. Reading experiences each day include Independent Reading, Guided Reading and Shared Reading and links are made to the Inquiry Program. Students take home books to practise reading skills they learn at school. WRITINGStudents use the structures and features of different text types for their own writing. The PM Writing program is used to demonstrate how to write a Narrative, Recount, Description, Procedure, Explanation, Information Report and Exposition. Students practise correct spelling of frequently used words.SPEAKING & LISTENINGStudents learn to communicate with others effectively to share and present their ideas and understandings of their work. They are encouraged to modify their voice to suit the purpose and audience.EVALUATION AND LITERACY SUPPORTAssessment of Literacy competence is an on-going process where students are continually monitored. A literacy support program will be provided for students requiring assistance.An Achievement Folder of work samples is also kept. These folders are used to celebrate learning during Parent/Teacher Interviews and can be used for student assessment and goal setting.NUMERACY PROGRAMThe Grade 2 Numeracy program aims to provide experiences which help to develop the students’ understandings in these 4 areas:NUMBER & ALGEBRA
Place value and counting using 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Solving real life maths story problems mentally and in written form.
Choosing appropriate operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) for problems.
Estimating and measuring items.
Selecting and using appropriate uniform and formal units to measure and compare:- length, area, perimeter, mass, volume and capacity.
Telling time using an analogue and digital clock and reading the calendar.
2D and 3D shapes.
Following directions and reading simple maps.
Using chance language such as possible, impossible, unlikely, more likely or certain.
Representing and interpreting data in a variety of ways.
EVALUATIONTeachers continually evaluate the success of mathematical activities by observing the students’ grasp of particular concepts and students are asked to explain their thinking. The Early Years Online Numeracy Interview is conducted in the middle and at the end of the year to assess numeracy skills and allow for planning of the Numeracy Program. Students complete pre and post tests for units of work to measure improvements in their learning.INQUIRY PROGRAMGrade 2 students learn about new topics using an “Inquiry” approach. The topics selected are meaningful and have purpose forGrade 2 students at this stage of their lives.The Inquiry Program aims to:
Our Unit topics are:Term 1: Being an Awesome Learner, and Our Community.
Term 2: Water is Precious!Term 3: The Cycle of Life!Term 4: All for one, One for all!Inquiry research using computersComputers are used as a tool for research, analysis, presentation of work, access to internet websites and communication through e-mailing. Each classroom is equipped with computers for students to use. Students in grade 2 also use ThinkPads to support their learning.GRADE TWO FUN NIGHTIn November, Grade 2 students have the opportunity to participate in a Fun Two Night where students stay at school for dinner and participate in a variety of fun activities. This prepares students for the camp program during Grades 3-6 and allows them to spend some time away from home in a safe and familiar environment.VALUES PROGRAMThe Values Program is taught across the whole school. It is aimed at developing the necessary values and social skills for effective communication in the school and the wider community. Values are taught during fortnightly lessons,"Buddies" sessions, and in Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry activities. During the year students are awarded Value Star Certificates on a fortnightly basis. Students also attend whole school incursions which focus on particular values.KITCHEN-GARDEN PROGRAMGrade 2 students are involved in kitchen-gardening sessions with the cooking-gardening teacher. They participate in activities which will help them to develop a respect for the environment. Students are involved in planting and caring for plants, harvesting them and then cooking healthy foods.