AIMS AND BELIEFSThe Prep Team believes that every student should have the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability, in a safe and supportive environment.
We believe that young learners need:
LITERACYThe Literacy Program is based on the philosophies of the Early Years Literacy Program.Each session follows the Whole Class, Small Group, Whole Class structure.Our classroom programs focus on: READING
NUMERACYStudents are involved in a wide range of activities through which they can actively build upon mathematical ideas in the following areas:
The program aims to develop mathematical thinkers by:
LIBRARYStudents attend library sessions once a week.
INQUIRYIn inquiry, Prep students explore new concepts through a range of engaging activities that encourage them to discover and wonder about their world. These are the topics we will explore throughout the year:
These topics are explored through a variety of activities including excursions and incursions.
VALUESIn the Prep team, we believe that the teaching of values provides the foundation for building healthy relationships and establishing a safe and supportive learning environment.
These are some of the values we explore: